Families Of Murdered Children Support Group, Safe Kids junior Program are for the age group from 5 to 11
years old . Their Program will consised of counseling with the uses of Crafts and movie night on the second friday of each
month from 5:30 to 8:00.
We also have Safe Kids for Seniors for ages 12 to 17 years old on the forth friday of each month. Natasha
Thomas from the Raise It Up! Youth Arts & Awareness program, located at the Urban League of Flint,is working with Families
Of Murdered Children Support Group to council young people who are ready to become community leaders- with ongoing Workshops
& Performance.With (local artist) for a fun filled evening of painting ...No special talent needed, Just a time to
get together have fun with art and other activaties. All meeting are held at the Mini Station/ Community Center 4535
M.L. King - Flint, Mi. 48505. If you would like to help please call Wanda (810) 691-7356 or Juanita Allen (
810) 235-0319 Asst.Youth Program Director for information. You also can just e-mail me at e.wanda_pierce@yahoo.com
