Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred,
let me sow love, where there is injury, let me pardon, where there is doubt, let me show faith, where there is despair, let
me give hope, where there is darkness, let me show the light, where there is sadness, let me show joy. O, Lord, grant that
I may not so much seek to be consoled, as I may console others, not so much that I be understood, but I may be understanding,
not so much that to be loved as to love. It is in forgiving that we are forgiven. In the name of our Lord we pray aman.
Our Prayer For Others, Who Are In Need
Lord, Hold the people of this country in your loving hands. Protect them in their time
of need and bring an end to their suffering. Bring jobs back to us, so we can hold our heads up. Bless the man and woman who
can not feed their familys. Bless them all Lord, Bless them all.
I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, Amen.
Our City We Pray For:
Lord we pray for the people of Flint. Please bring a peace in this city and for give those who would
still, kill and destroy, and make them understand the love and forgivenest you have for then. We ask this in your holy name
Jesus Christ aman.